Triola Villa (En)

The Triola Villa is a holiday home for three generations at Lake Balaton. The relaxed series of spaces of intimate, calm relaxation connects three separated quarters with independent comfort. The joint living area turns towards the water with large glass surfaces. Due to the U-shaped floor plan, the view of Lake Balaton may be enjoyed from all quarters. 
Despite the demanding design of Triola Villa, it follows the modest, reserved architectural toolkit of summer homes built at Lake Balaton in the early decades of the 20th century with the typical Balaton architectural motifs and materials echoing on its elevations.

Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest / Budapest örökségalapú múzeumi koncepciója (En)

“The city of Budapest is the museum itself”

“The architect’s language is the plan; this is how they can express their opinion the most efficiently… we would like to form an opinion on a question which is about important decisions affecting the inhabitants of the city, but which still lacks professional consensus.” 
Gábor Zoboki

Having been invited to the international tender for the museum quarter in Városliget (City Park), ZDA has worked out a heritage-based museum concept in cooperation with curators and collection experts. ZDA’s tender plan based on the concept, undertaking disqualification, was intentionally non-compliant with the formal requirements, and placed the Hungarian National Gallery on Szent György Square in the Buda Castle, rather than in Városliget.

According to the study of Zoboki Design & Architecture, a part of the resources should rather be spent on the renovation of Városliget in its original form.

In an open international tender, applications were invited for the building of the New National Gallery – Ludwig Museum originally planned in Városliget, where the tender committee did not find one, out of the 80 works submitted, suitable for realization. For the second – planning – phase, the contracting authority decided to invite 9 foreign and – because of the unusually hard qualification criteria regarding the economic, legal and reference conditions – only 2 Hungarian tenderers, one of them being ZDA. According to architect Gábor Zoboki, the new museum quarter already exists in Budapest, hidden, along the path well-trodden by tourists, in our deteriorating or underutilized monuments. The programme of the museum quarter could be perfectly resolved in them. In the case of the Buda Castle, it is important to reinstate it in the lifeblood of the city. The plan of ZDA gives a worthy solution for the case of the Hungarian National Gallery in the Castle, and in this way offers an alternative for decision-makers in contrast to the overbuilding of Városliget.

The museum concept consists of an urban and an architectural plan, and begins with creating a programme, similarly to the planning of the Nanshan Cultural Center and Museum in Shenzhen. The Szent György Square is one of the most important venues of our history and our cultural and architectural heritage which, since the devastation of World War II, the city has not dealt with in the manner it deserves, and, therefore, it is not connected organically to the public spaces used by Budapest people. By erecting a new museum building complying with the requirements of our age in the plot found opposite Sándor Palace, the Szent György Square could revive, and it could accommodate the most important fine art collection of the nation together with a pavilion suitable for temporary exhibitions.

ZDA, in cooperation with architects as well as Hungarian and foreign curators, worked out a planning programme of its own for the Hungarian National Gallery which includes the material of the Old Hungarian Collection (medieval and Renaissance lapidarium, Gothic art and winged altarpieces) as well as the work of art warehouses which are not mentioned in the tender invitation. The warehouses, contrary to the tender invitation, must be installed in the same building as the exhibition spaces because of museum technology requirements. ZDA resolves the installation of the entire programme in two buildings connected under the ground. The exhibition spaces and visitor functions are placed on Szent György Square, while the official areas of the museum (offices, museologist and restorer areas) on the Palota Street plot, with the car park at the cellar level. According to ZDA’s concept, the access to Buda Castle has to be improved by developing public transport connections and pedestrian access (escalator) with the latter being preferred to vehicles.

Városliget was the first public park in the world to be created on civil initiation, from public subscriptions. It is the number one recreation place and high-value green lungs of Budapest with millennial architecture. The development impetus and resources of the museum quarter should be concentrated to the refurbishment and renovation of monuments by reducing the volume of construction in the Városliget, and a part of the resources should be spent on the renovation of Városliget in its original form.

Gábor Zoboki represented his point of view also at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the conference titled “Everything in its place” – Museum Park or conscious urban development – organized by the Hungarian Society for Urbanism.

Center Point Irodaház (En)

Category “A” rental office building on Váci Road representing the north-south office axis of Budapest. During the construction executed in multiple phases, it was important that the parts that are completed show a uniform picture in themselves.
The entrances of the complex are determined by the towers standing on the corners, hiding the vertical communication cores, creating an important vertical emphasis in the spatial wall of the same height running along Váci Road. The building is organized around an internal court separated by a water pool from the public area, whilst the visual connection with the street still remains in two level heights. This is where, among others, the rest areas, coffee shop and restaurant were installed, so the intimate court really became a living space for those working here.

ZDA prepared the entire internal design of public communication spaces and the offices of major tenants, which adds to the uniform picture of the office building.

Svábhegyi kormányzati rezidencia (En)

The 21st-century government residence, resulting from its function, required a representative design, whilst the receiving building was built in the 1930s. The designers realized a kind of a contemporary eclecticism avoiding the traps of postmodern quotations: instead of the shapes of the architecture of the 20th or sometimes even earlier centuries, the essence of architectural aspirations was invoked. The organization of the central reception spaces in an axis creates a representative atmosphere as a matter of course, and it is further strengthened by the presence of interior design and peer arts. The representative spaces were decorated by future-proof, modern forms and noble materials rather than contemporary trends. The building, also in its exterior, blends modern and classical traditions. While the play of masses preserves the ideas of the 30s, the division of elevations follows a classical pattern: on a rustic footing stripe there is a piano nobile, and a second floor more reserved in its size and shape. The rich woodwork of doors and windows suggests the fineness of representative palaces without specific stylistic references. The interior designer Rózsa Csavarga received “Interior Designer of the Year Award” in 2003 for her work. On her initiative, the works of Hungarian industrial designers, rather than foreign design products, were installed in the building serving also for the reception of foreign delegations.

Testvérhegyi lakóépület (En)

Designed for a family with two children, the semi-detached house won the “House of the Year” award in 2000. Stairs and passageways lead from the one-and-a-half storey high lobby, connecting the separated day and night functions. The building’s integration into the landscape and terrain is aided by the staircase of low pitched green roofs at different massing levels.

Spirál I. Irodaház (En)

The orientation of the office building was fundamentally determined by the would-be promenade. The building is organized around the internal court rather than the noisy, polluted and traffic-loaded Dózsa György Road. The building mass is split into two parts, it slightly turns inward from the street line, forming a gateway to the inside of the block. The two blocks are held together by the generous roof. Raising the level of the courts by about 1.5 m over the street level contributes to the conservation of the intimacy of the internal courts and the promenade. The central lobby is a graceful glass pavilion serving as a sort of a filter between the road and the internal world of the building, and it provides free access to the internal restaurants and cafés. The courts are integral parts of the promenade with the terraces, water surfaces and richly planted vegetation.

As a continuation of the Spiral Office Building, the next phase is built on Lehel Road which is connected to the first office building in the interior of the block. This site is a typical vacant lot, so it shows a more closed view towards the street than the main façade of the Dózsa György Road building. The materials chosen for both buildings are identical, so despite the different handling of the facades, the two buildings may be visually connected.

The rear section of the house is organized towards the internal promenade, so the community functions are located there. Due to the installation, the ground-floor spaces are made usable, in this building too, by lively gardens as well as small and large courts. The lower two levels were designed with looser building-up ratios than the typical levels, because these are the main community spaces where transparency, breeziness and spatial experience are the most important.

Based on similar principles, the architects shaped easy-to-divide, flexible office spaces in both Spiral Office Buildings which can be adjusted to the needs of would-be tenants. The functions completing the office spaces – retail outlets, restaurants, cafés and conference hall – provide high-standard environment for those working there, complying with today’s requirements.
For the houses functioning as rental offices, because of the primordial economic aspects, ZDA undertook to design simple elevations, coloured plastering for all internal court facades, and only the street elevations received a nobler clothing.

This duality has always characterized closed-row city developments in the course of history. On the street elevations, various structures were formed from large panels, creating a unique plasticity on both buildings. The use of identical materials and colours unite the two buildings, but the different elevation surfacing reacts to the different environments.

Budapest Városháza megújítása (En)

Most of the protected building complex and the courts of the Budapest City Hall, originally built as a hospital for disabled veterans, are in an undeservedly neglected condition and are underutilized. For lack of an appropriate urban design concept, investment intention, financing construction and sound legal background, the situation of the block of the City Hall is still not resolved. Since 1996, we have dealt with the concept of renewing the area in several phases. At first in the framework of the detailed development plan made for the central inner city where the aspects of fitting into the texture of the city – the demolition of the row of small shops on the Károly Boulevard side, development with commercial and car parking function, park on the main street side – were determined. In 2008, the tender organized by the Budapest Municipality wanted to resolve the revitalization of the building by adding new wings and installing commercial units and urban public spaces apart from the municipality function. In the competition titled “The Heart of Budapest – City Hall Forum”, our office won priority purchase. In 2012, we worked out a three-phase concept for organising the area economically, without high-volume developments in a scheduled manner. In the first phase, the handling of the building parts on the Károly Boulevard side and the connected court, in the second phase, the complete renovation of the protected historic parts of the City Hall, and in the third phase, new developments along Károly Boulevard are to be realized to reach the intended final image of the area. The courts are to be opened for the public, so a huge city forum connected to Károly Boulevard can be created.

Etele téri Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Központ (En)

The area of the Kelenföld Railway Station in District XI is one of the most important intermodal points in Budapest where the transportation systems of the inner city, the suburb, the agglomeration and the country – and in a certain sense – Europe are connected to each other. This nodal position offers great opportunities but also involves real dangers. The area of the Kelenföld Railway Station is the place of the temporary terminal of Metro Line 4 being in construction, and as such will become an important structural element of Budapest by all means. It is an important goal to channel the greatest percentage possible of the vehicle users arriving from the incoming section of highways M1-M7 and other directions to the metro or other mass transport vehicles. The area of the Kelenföld Railway Station, due to its position and features, is also suitable for becoming a district centre and as a “western gate” of the capital. The uniform handling of the environment on both sides of the railway station from the aspect of urban development, traffic development, urban architecture and environmental design is crucial from the point of view of exploiting the developing effect of the metro construction, the shaping of the urban structure and the development of a high-standard built environment.

The Client expressed high-level expectations towards the new Service and Commercial Center when determining the design task. Apart from serving the basic functions as perfectly as possible, it should be the first, determinant element of the new city centre; it should be unique, innovative, environmentally friendly, but at the same time also economical from the aspects of both construction and operation; its appearance should be emblematic, and, with its environment and interior design and spaces, it should create value for those living here and for visitors.

Magyar Állami Operaház felújítása (En)


Renovation of a 19TH century masterpiece

The Opera house, which was first opened on 24th September 1884, is a renaissance building, a masterpiece of Hungarian eclectic architecture, and a heritage building of European standing.

The use of state-of-the-art technology of the 19th century earned the Opera House its enviable reputation as one of the best of its kind in Europe. The public areas of the Opera House are spacious, elegant and opulent, reflecting the high expectations of its patrons of the time. In the horseshoe- shaped three-story auditorium the ceiling is decorated with murals and a beautiful chandelier made of bronze.

The Opera House was last renovated in 1982. After 35 years, the technology used for the stage and for the building itself had become largely obsolete, and the building needed a full refurb. Every element of the building was examined and documented using point cloud and other digital techniques to assist in the planning of the renovation. The renovation works were carried out in a BIM system in which ZDA collaborated with hundreds of experts, engineers, artists and restoration professionals in what was one of the most challenging projects of its kind in the past decade in Hungary. The renovation process is now nearing completion and the final handover is expected in early 2022.

The Restoresd Auditorium

After a complete restoration of the Lotz fresco, the likewise restored chandelier was returned to its original place in the ceiling.

The capacity of the 1,289-seat auditorium was reduced to its original capacity of  1,035, and the narrow cinema seats that were added in the    1950s will be replaced by comfortable armchairs.

World- Class Acoustics

The acoustics of the auditorium were a key consideration in the renovation process. The aim was to restore the original acoustic attributes of the exceptionally high-quality theatre building designed by the original architect, combining the best practices of that time with the latest 21st-century technology. Numerous changes have been implemented in order to improve the overall sound experience, including changing the orchestra pit back into a reverberation chamber. The 1,289-seat capacity of the auditorium will be reduced to its original capacity of 1,035, and the narrow cinema seats that were added in the 1950s will be replaced by comfortable armchairs

Adapting to the latest requirements

The grand staircase was restored to its original 19th-century condition, with subtle modifications to improve the functionality of the space. The lighting within the space was also significantly improved. The gates leading to the side staircases were opened, creating a safe fire escape route. In order that the facility should be able to host other types of programmes, the staircase was equipped with cutting-edge  audio equipment

Coordinating the restoration works

Under the terms of a design and build contract, the architects at ZDA monitored the construction process at every step. Coordinating the work of the restoration experts and the engineers was necessary to ensure that the coherence of the 19th-entury spaces was preserved. The intricate details of both the internal and the external spaces could only be restored to their former glory through the work of the very best restoration professionals.